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"[It] opens your eyes to the real dangers that the CCP, and communism in general, poses to the entire world."

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SOLUTION: We are independent of any political party. 

Using our fact-based and truthful reporting, we seek to focus on what unites us as Americans, rather than what divides us.

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For the past three years, we have been investigating and uncovering the problems within the “Crossfire Hurricane” probe as well as other major issues facing our nation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fundamental differences between The Epoch Times and other media?

The Epoch Times is the first and only media that exposes the true nature, impact, and ultimate goal of communism. We explain its damage to our moral foundation and Eastern and Western traditions. We also discuss the outcomes of socialism and its impact on countries’ economic and political stability. We believe that the media has to be upright and responsible to society.

While six corporations own 90 percent of media outlets in the United States (according to Business Insider), The Epoch Times is independent of any influence from corporations, governments, or political parties. Our only goal is to give our readers accurate information and be responsible to the public.

The Epoch Times is nonpartisan and values-based. We believe trustworthy journalism is based on moral principles. We focus on essential issues, policies, and their impact, not partisanship. We report the truth amid the biased media environment. We don’t follow the unethical trend of agenda-driven journalism but instead use our principles of Truth and Tradition as our guiding light to report honestly.

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The Epoch Times is driven by its mission, not by money.

One of the biggest threats we face is the struggle between freedom and communism. Many Americans haven’t realized or paid much attention to this struggle, but it’s a battle The Epoch Times has been covering from the front lines for the past 19 years. We are happy that more and more people have begun to pay close attention to this threat.

The most significant socialist/communist regime on this planet is the Chinese Communist regime, which is one of the biggest threats to the free world. We at The Epoch Times know well its true nature.

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